August 2011 18
Virginie de Malavois joins Lengow to launch the company in Montreal (Canada)
Today is a big day for Lengow and for Mickael and Jérémie, the company’s co-founders! We are indeed very pleased to welcome to the Lengow team Virginie de Malavois, the former Sales Director of, who will be in charge of launching Lengow in Canada and more precisely in Montreal! The launch is planned for [...]
Analysis of the traffic of our e-tailers following the setting-up of Google Panda
As you probably know, Google Panda was set up in France almost a week ago. Google is constantly evolving. In March, Google announced an important update of their algorithm, aiming to improve their research results by cleaning the link farm. Naturally, this new algorithm scared everyone, people were afraid and wondered what impact this could [...]
Centralize your PayPal transactions within your Lengow web interface!
For several months, Lengow has allowed you to centralize all your marketplace orders within one single interface – your Marketplace Dashboard. From this centralized location, you can view your orders, accept or refuse them and also confirm shipping. In addition to this, it is now possible to also view your PayPal transactions directly within this [...]
The launch of FeedCreator: create your source feeds directly in Lengow!
In order to distribute your products on multiple channels, you need to provide a product catalogue generally in XML or CSV format. This enables the partner site to insert your products on their platform. Lengow helps merchants to structure, optimize and track their product catalogue on different partner sites. In order to go even further [...]
Comparison Shopping Sites for Beginners
Comparison Shopping Engines (CSEs) have been present on the net for nearly 10 years and allow consumers to look for, compare and buy products at the best possible prices. Dealing with these CSEs, which have various functions and different business models, can quickly become an overwhelming task. Here are a few tips on the best [...]