Lengow Ecommerce Day @en 5
Zoom on the Google Remarketing workshop at the Lengow E-Commerce Day
Among the partners of the second edition of Lengow E-commerce Day, we were delighted to welcome Google, who presented a workshop dedicated to Google Remarketing. Led by Catherine Boisset and Leo Sei, it was one of the most popular workshops of the Lengow Ecommerce Day 2014. Leo Sei, Remarketing and Tag Solutions Engineer, began by [...]
Lengow E-Commerce Day, 2014: A brief summary
Thank you to everyone who participated in the success of the 2014 edition of Lengow E-Commerce Day, which took place on Thursday 3rd April in Paris. Over 350 of you participated in the numerous conferences and workshops proposed by Lengow and partners, including Google, Twitter, PriceMinister, Microsoft, iAdvize, SpreadButton, Bazaarvoice, Be2Bill, etc. Throughout the day there was a great response on Twitter with the hashtag #LengowDay, allowing [...]
Lengow’s Ecommerce Day welcomes Microsoft as its new partner
After Google, Twitter, iAdvize, PriceMinister, LeGuide.com, Be2Bill, SpreadButton and many more we are thrilled to announce that Microsoft will join us to give a Conference on April 3rd for our second Lengow Ecommerce Day in Paris. Franck Fuchs, OSS Evangelist at Microsoft will give a talk in English between 2.00 and 2.45pm.to share the vision [...]
Save the date ! The Lengow Ecommerce Day is in 1 month !
Given the success of our first edition of Lengow Ecommerce Day, we decided to organize it again this year. It will takep lace on Thursday, 3rd or April in Paris and will allow our clients and partners to meet and share experiences together during an entire day dedicated to e-commerce. The Lengow Ecommerce Day is a [...]
Save the date and register to the Lengow Ecommerce Day!
E-retailers save the date: on Thursday, April 11th will take place the first Lengow Ecommerce Day in Paris! Lengow is pleased to organize an event fully dedicated to online retailers and to new market trends. The main aim of this show is to connect all the major e-commerce players, to give answers to merchants’ issues [...]